Has your child taken advantage of our after school program, Homework Help? Here is some information about this very popular beneficial student support:
Homework Help is an after school program where students can work on homework or other assignments if they need a bit of extra time to get work done. Homework Help takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays in the WMS library with Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Leroux, and Mrs. Bennett until 4:00 pm. Snacks are provided for students when they arrive, and the late bus is available for their ride home at 4:00. Students wanting to attend Homework Help just need to ask a teacher to sign them up before the 2:00 pm daily deadline and should bring all the materials they need to complete their work. Teachers can also assign students if they have missed some completion dates. Homework Help is a positive, supportive environment for our students as they strive to learn new organizational skills, complete outstanding school work or work on a group project with classmates. Some students attend regularly and some just come when needed. At the end of the year, Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Leroux and Mrs. Bennett throw a party for their hardworking students to celebrate all they accomplished in Homework Help.