Many of our students have participated in Black History Month. I am honored to share with you a poem written by 6th grade student, Catherine Dinizio.
I give you a piece of me, my mind, my passion, my vision which you used but did not recognize my identity. You mace me and beat me when all I wanted was to be recognized for my genius, smarts, and hard work. We brought music, art, education, technology, politics, law, and sports to you. My skin color doesn’t define who I am. Don’t touch my hair, don't look at me differently because of my skin, don't say racist things to me, don't think I’m not intelligent because I am black, I owe everything to those who came before me, those who are fighting today, those who will fight tomorrow to speak about their glory and their fight, their royalty. Celebrate, appreciate, honor, thank, and recognize us.