Congratulations to the Class of '24 on an amazing Class Night! As a group, they were awarded $450,000 in scholarships! Wow!!! A huge shoutout goes to all the families and teachers for supporting these scholars over the years. Thanks to Mr. Francoeur for being their class advisor. Finally, we all owe a special debt of gratitude to Sue Bailey, who is the driving force behind our awards ceremonies and special events, including graduation.
9 months ago, Patrick Colgan
Class Night
Be a Follower! If you are not already following the WHS Instagram page, do it now! You can find us at westbrook_blue_blazes. And make sure you follow westbrookhighschool on facebook. Go Blue!
9 months ago, Patrick Colgan
WHS Chamber Singers met Maine Senator Susan Collins and performed a preview for her at the US Capitol during their tour of DC over April break. WOW! What an epic trip!
10 months ago, Patrick Colgan
Chamber singers at the US Capitol
Hi, Here is our "bell schedule" for tomorrow's remote day. All classes will be held on Google Meets. 1W - 8:30 to 9:10 2W- 9:15 to 9:55 3W- 10:00 to 10:40 4W- 10:45 to 11:15 WRVC Tech 1 - Check in @ 8 AM WRVC Tech 2- Check in @ 11 AM Stay Safe!
11 months ago, Jeffrey Guerette, Co-Principal
Dear WHS families, It's time for Spring Family/School Conferences! What a great opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss how your students can improve or continue to challenge themselves. There are available slots on Thursday, April 4, from 3pm - 6:30pm. Here is the link to sign up electronically... Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks! Patrick Colgan, WHS Co-Principal
11 months ago, Patrick Colgan
It's time for Spring Family/School Conferences! It is a great opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss how your students can improve or continue to challenge themselves. There are available slots on Thursday, April 4, from 3pm - 6:30pm. Here is the link to sign up electronically...
11 months ago, Patrick Colgan
As of this afternoon, roads have mostly been cleared, the power is back on at Congin, and power is on track to be restored in that part of the city this evening. That means that schools will be open tomorrow! If anything changes, I will notify you in the morning. Otherwise, we can plan on a regular day at all schools. This includes the PreK program, Adult Education, and the LEARNS before and after school program at the Community Center. Thank you to our Public Works crews and power company workers who have been hard at work all weekend. I hope your power has been restored and that you have a great evening.
11 months ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Junior parents! FAME Financial Aid night will be Thursday, March 28 @ 6pm in the WHS library (changed from 3/21). Find out about the recent changes to the Free Application For Federal Student Aid and about resources available at WHS. Reach out if you have any questions.
12 months ago, Patrick Colgan
8th Grade Family Night at WHS – Thursday, March 21, 6-7:30pm
12 months ago, Patrick Colgan
8th Grade Family Night
The Class of '24 took their official "number" pic last week. That is the annual yearbook picture, in which all graduating seniors gather together and form the number of their class year, often in the gym but this year on the lawn in front of WHS. What a good looking group of soon-to-be graduates!
12 months ago, Patrick Colgan
Class of '24
Congratulations to WHS senior Gavin Tanner and sophomore Jasmine Sinclair! Gavin won the Maine State Wrestling Championship in the 175 lb. division! In doing so, Gavin qualified for the New England Championship in Providence, RI. He has put together an impressive career on the mat, over 100 victories, so this is a fitting way to cap off his run. Joining Gavin, Jasmine Sinclair finished 2nd in Maine (as a sophomore!) in her class, which was enough to punch her ticket to the New England Championship. Good luck in Rhode Island, Gavin and Jasmine!
about 1 year ago, Patrick Colgan
ME Wrestling
Maine Maritime Academy will be hosting a “meet and greet” event at the Woodlands Country Club in Falmouth on Tuesday, March 5, at 6pm. It is a great opportunity, not only for prospective students, but for any high school student interested in pursuing that maritime life.
about 1 year ago, Patrick Colgan
WHS students are incredibly fortunate to have field experiences where they can glimpse life beyond high school and learn about diverse career opportunities. Our students are exposed to an impressive amount of options. There is truly something for everyone.
about 1 year ago, Patrick Colgan
CCB Trip
It's that time of year again! The nurse will be conducting VISION SCREENINGS FOR THE FRESHMAN CLASS. If you do not want your child's eyes screened, please reach out to the nurse by phone (854-0810, option #5) or email her at
about 1 year ago, Patrick Colgan
​We will have another two hour delayed start of school in Westbrook today. This will give crews time to plow and treat streets, sidewalks, and school lots. As you know, a two hour delay means that schools will open two hours after the regular time and buses will pick up students about two hours after their usual time. There are no before school activities and there will be no PreK classes. Be safe today!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
Roads are very icy this morning but they are being treated and expected to improve. Because of this, we will have a two hour delayed start of school in Westbrook today, January 25. That means that schools will open two hours after their scheduled times and buses will pick up students about two hours after their usual time. There are no before school activities and PreK classes are canceled. Please be careful walking and driving this morning!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
icy weather
Hi- today @ WHS we will run our Period 1B Midterm from 8 to 9:30, and Period 2B Midterm from 9:45 to 11:15. A Grab and Go Lunch will be available from 11:15 to 11:30. Busses will leave at 11:30. There are no after school activities.
about 1 year ago, Jeffrey Guerette, Co-Principal
I’d like to get everyone home before the height of the storm today, so we will be closing early. Dismissal at WHS and WMS will be at 11:30am. Dismissal at Canal, Congin, and Saccarappa will be at 12:20pm. There will be no PreK classes today and there will be no after school activities or practices. Be safe in the storm!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia
CTE, aka Career and Technical Education, is all the rage these days! Our students are extremely fortunate to have access to a vocational center on campus and another one only a few miles away. Both WRVC and PATHS meetings are coming up. WRVC will be meeting with sophomores on Monday, 1/8, and PATHS will meet with them on Tuesday, 1/23. At those meetings, students will be able to find out more about programs and will receive information about the process to apply.
about 1 year ago, Patrick Colgan
Because power has not yet been restored at Saccarappa School, there is NO SCHOOL today at Saccarappa. At all other schools, we will have a 2 hour delayed start. That means that schools will open two hours after their regular opening and buses will pick up students 2 hours later than their usual times. This will give crews time to address road conditions and power outages, and extra time to get to work and school. There are no PK classes. Breakfast will be available when students arrive.
about 1 year ago, Dr. Peter Lancia