Many seniors have applied to colleges over the past couple months, and there are still some deadlines approaching. When applying, they should make sure they let our Aspirations Coordinator Nicole Sturgis know, so that she can send along transcripts and recommendations. She is also available to help with completing the FAFSA and will update the link to her calendar so parents can set up an appointment. Additionally, scholarships opened up starting January 1. Ms. Sturgis has sent out reminders to students and parents about all of them, especially the Worthington Scholarship. Seniors are encouraged to stop by Room 210 to access help from Ms. Sturgis as they apply for scholarships. Here are some of the big ones...
Mitchell Scholarship - $10,000 - at least one senior from every high school in Maine is selected. Last year we had 3 winners! Reminder that Casey Near from the Mitchell Scholarship will be at our high school with me next Tuesday (Dec. 10) during ACE in the library to help with applying to scholarships in general.
Stephen Phillips Scholarship - $2,000 to $17,000 - financial need is taken into consideration and you must be eligible to complete the FAFSA.
Maine Blue Collar Scholarship - $1,000 to $2,5000. Must be going into the trades. Most students that apply win something.
Here is a link to the State Scholarship List: State Scholarship List