Our academic programs are amazing. We all know this. However, what many in the community might be unaware of is the high level of diverse learning opportunities provided to students in all manner of settings. Every year WHS students have incredible field study junkets, like analyzing the great works at the Portland Museum of Art or wading into the Presumpscot River to study ecosystems. Maine Wild Outdoors, a half year course offered every semester and taught by the incomparable Mr. Brian Davis, routinely offers students the chance to learn science within the context of Southern Maine’s natural beauty. Jobs for Maine Graduates, taught by the dynamic Mr. Chris Strout, is another course of study that provides a ton of real world experiences, including regular access to area businesses where students learn about various industries, including engineering, manufacturing, research and development, and more. Those are just two of the many course offerings at WHS that integrate field study into the curriculum and truly provide our students with the best education for all, for life.

Learning Beyond the Classroom
January 10, 2025