Quarter 2 report cards are being sent home with students on Thursday, January 25th. Be sure to check your child's backpack to see how they are performing so far this school year.
Westbrook's new K-4 report card includes the following information:
Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs) - Students are assessed on work habits that are important indicators of success. The HOWLs align with Saccarappa’s school-wide expectations of being Safe, Ready, and Respectful.
Academic Core Content - For reading, writing, and math, student learning is measured on a continuum that shows their achievement compared to grade-level expectations. A checkmark indicates the student's current performance. Skills that are left blank have not yet been assessed.
Unified Arts - Students are assessed on their performance and understanding of skills in art, music, library, physical education, and STEAM.
Additional documents:
K-4 Report Card Learning Progressions - This document outlines the progression of skills in each content area and clarifies what your child knows and is able to do based on their report card.
Report Card Translations:
Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education. Please contact your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions.