At Saccarappa, students and teachers are working to build a community of compassion and understanding by being “rainbows in somebody’s cloud.” Inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou, this activity focused on ways we could cheer up others when they need it the most. Every class built its own rainbow out of thoughtful ways to be kind and supportive of one another.
Some of our student rainbows say:
I will help my friends when they are sad by saying, “Are you ok?” -4th grade
If someone is eating alone at lunch, I will sit with them. -3rd grade
Ask, “Do you want to play with me?” -2nd grade
I can ask if someone wants a hug. -1st grade
Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud was one of our U-Time activities. U-Times are thirty-minute lessons completed each week to help build a sense of community in each classroom. U-Time lessons are similar throughout the school and send consistent messages of kindness and understanding. The lessons align with our Safe, Ready, and Respectful school-wide expectations and help ensure that every student feels cared for and valued at school.