Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,
Happy Wednesday! I hope you all are staying safe and warm in this suddenly cold weather, and that everyone had a nice long weekend. Here are some updates for this week:
Today is an early release day, so students will be dismissed starting at 2:30.
We are still focusing on our theme of mindfulness. At the beginning of the month, students were challenged to complete 500 minutes of mindful minutes in their classrooms. As of last Friday, we have collected 889 mindful minutes, so we have increased our goal to 1000 minutes. Students are doing a great job!
Our final Game Club session for 1st and 2nd grade will be taking place this Thursday from 3:30-5:00. Please make sure to pick your child up at 5:00.
We will be starting Game Club for 3rd and 4th grade students next Thursday, January 30th from 3:30-5:00. I have messaged the families of the students who will be participating. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Richardson, our school social worker, has started a Civil Rights team at Congin! This Civil Rights team consists of 4th grade students, and they spend their time learning about prominent people in history. Students in this club have been coming on the morning announcements to share facts about Martin Luther King Jr. in celebration of MLK Day on Monday!
Additionally, Mrs. Woolworth, our school counselor, has created this year's 4th grade College Knowledge team! College Knowledge is a team of students who learn about different colleges across the country. These students will go on to compete with our Westbrook elementary schools and at the state level!
We are looking for our next year's kindergarten cougars! Remember that we will be having a kindergarten orientation night on February 27th at 6pm for any family that has a kindergartener that will be joining us next year. Help spread the word! Additionally, we will be having kindergarten screening on March 27th and 28th,
which means our current kindergarten students will not have school on these two days.
Please call the office if you have any questions!
Each time students read 5 books, they can fill out a bookmark for a free pancake to Brea Lu Cafe. Additionally, we are doing Bikes for Books again this year! Every time students read 5 books or 100 pages, they can turn in a sheet to be entered for a chance to win a bike!
There will be a community conversation about our school budget on Thursday, January 30th from 5:30-7:00pm at Saccarappa School. A spaghetti dinner will be served at 5pm. There will be another community conversation on Saturday, February 1st from 9:00-10:30 at Westbrook High School. A pancake breakfast will be served at 8:30. We hope to see you there to discuss our school budget!
We will be having a Congin Happy Wheels skate night this Friday from 5:00-7:00pm for any families who would like to participate. This event costs $11 a person, and students need to be accompanied by an adult the whole time.
Congin Night at Applebees on February 5th! Show the attached flyer at Applebees and they will donate 15% of your purchase to our PTO!
Sign-ups for Girls on the Run opens on February 1st! Attached is a flyer with a QR code to sign up if your child is interested. This is only for 3rd and 4th grade girls at Congin!
It's a great day to be a cougar!
Marc Bisson
Congin School