Canal Family Spaghetti Dinner - February 10th. Come and join us! Please send in the attached form with payment. Seating is limited for each time slot. Slots will be allocated as forms are turned in.
No school on Monday, January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Vacation Reading Challenge!
Holiday Break - December 22nd - January 2nd.
Students return on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Holiday sing a long with WHS Chamber Singers and Jazz Ensemble here at Canal!
Early Dismissal today! If you are picking your child up, please be here at 11:50 in the parking lot. Please contact the office at 854-0840 to let the office know if your child is NOT taking their regular bus home today at NOON. Thank you for your help to make sure everyone gets home safely!
Buddy Reading had begun at Canal! Students at different grade levels are paired to be reading buddies and friends!
Gym Sports - starting with 3rd and 4th graders at Canal - after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Frosty Breakfast - food smells good! Can’t wait for Frosty’s arrival! Come and join us!
Kids Go Shopping event set up and ready to go!!!! Come join us!
Kindergarten Appreciation Stations
Reminder - Our Frosty Breakfast and Kids Go Shopping Event is this Saturday from 8-10 here at Canal. Attached is the flyer for breakfast tickets.
1st grade writing celebration - How To Books! I learned a lot from their writing!!! So exciting and interesting!
Mad Science presentation happening now at the WPAC!
MAD Science presentation TONIGHT at 6:00 at the Performing Arts Center. This is a Free event for the entire family. Hope to see you there!
School Spirit Day on Friday - Hat Day!
Good morning,
We are aware of several regional threats to area schools. I was in communication with the Westbrook Police Department and area schools immediately. There were no reports or threats to any of the schools in Westbrook. As a precaution, Westbrook Police provided additional officers at all of our schools and staff ensured that all exterior doors were locked and attended. If information changes or a different response is necessary, we will be in touch.
Take care, and be strong!
Peter Lancia, Superintendent of Schools
MAD Science presentation Thursday at 6:00 at the Performing Arts Center. This is a Free event for the entire family. Hope to see you there!
1st Quarter PBIS Assembly - be kind, safe, responsible, and respectful!
Early Dismissal tomorrow due to Family-Teacher Conferences! Students will be dismissed beginning at 11:15. If you haven't signed up for a conference, please do so now!