Students will be dismissed early on Thursday, November 9th due to family conferences. Please plan for your child to be dismissed at 11:20.
If you haven't already signed up for conferences, please do so ASAP with Mrs. Bernardo at 854-0840 or with the code that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.
It is time to schedule your family conference. If you haven't already, please do so soon. You can use the code on the letter that was sent home with your child a couple of weeks ago or you can call Mrs. Bernardo at 854-0840 to schedule. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
I am writing to let you know that we are planning to reopen all schools in Westbrook on Monday, October 30 with a regular schedule. We will do so with a heightened sense of awareness and security and, as an added precaution, the Westbrook Police Department will provide additional presence at our schools. We are ready to support all of our students with counselors, social workers, and student services staff throughout the day. I will let you know if developments over the weekend cause our plans to change. Otherwise, Monday will be a day of school. Please continue to keep the people of Lewiston, the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers. As a Westbrook community, we will support and comfort our children and each other over the days and weeks ahead as our hearts begin to heal. Take care and be strong.
Schools in Westbrook will be CLOSED again today, Friday, October 27. This is out of an abundance of caution as law enforcement agencies continue to investigate and search for the person responsible for the tragedy in Lewiston. A number of our staff also live in the Lewiston area and continue to be sheltered in place. Please keep everyone impacted by this tragedy in your thoughts and prayers. I will be in touch over the weekend as we all hope to return to school on Monday. Take care and be strong.
While we would like to quickly return to normalcy, it is still too early to definitively say whether or not we will be able to be at school tomorrow. The search for the suspect in the Lewiston tragedy continues but there have been promising developments this evening. If the suspect is not apprehended by morning, schools will be closed again on Friday. If the suspect has been found or is in custody by morning, schools will be open on Friday. I will send a communication early tomorrow morning to let you know if school will be closed or open. Either way, please know that we are here to support our students, families, and staff as we all heal from this horrific event. Please see your email, our website, and our Facebook page for more information. Take care and be strong.
Quick update: We continue to monitor the search that is underway for the suspect in the Lewiston tragedy. I have been in contact with WPD and other area schools throughout the day. It is too early to say if we will be in school on Friday. I hope to make that decision this evening and will send another message later.
Parents of Canal School students - if you are looking for support in addressing your child's questions/concerns about the tragic event happening in our state, please reach out to our social worker, Ms. Record, at or our school counselor, Mrs. DeBery, at The two resources from Dr. Lancia's email can also be very helpful as you navigate this event with your child(ren). For elementary children conversations need to be brief, simple information that should be balanced with reassurances that their school and homes are safe and that adults are there to protect them. Give simple examples of school safety like reminding children about exterior doors being locked, child monitoring efforts on the playground, and emergency drills practiced during the school day. Limiting access to media during this time is also important.
Please stay safe and we look forward to welcoming our students back to school soon!
Dear friends,
My heart is breaking over the tragic events in Lewiston last evening. I’m sure we are all struggling to make sense of such a horrible tragedy so close to home. Please join me in keeping the people of Lewiston in your thoughts and prayers. Our hearts go out to the victims and those who were injured, their families and friends, and others impacted by this traumatic event, including members of our own community.
Because the person of interest has not been apprehended as of this morning and out of an abundance of caution, all schools in Westbrook will be CLOSED on Thursday, October 26. There will be no before or after school activities at this time and Central Office will be closed.
Violence of this nature is difficult for anyone to understand. Children may be especially shaken by this event and may have questions and concerns. I encourage you to talk with your children about their thoughts and feelings and about school safety. Please reassure them that their schools are secure places where they are cared for every day. The Maine Department of Education has provided some suggestions for supporting children:
Preschool and early elementary school children need brief, simple information that should be balanced with reassurances that their schools and homes are safe and that adults are there to protect them. Concrete examples of safety, like having locked doors and adult supervision, can provide comfort.
Upper elementary and early middle school children will be more vocal in asking questions about whether they truly are safe and what is being done at their schools and communities. They may need assistance processing the incident. Discuss efforts of their schools, police, and community to ensure their safety.
Upper middle school and high school students will have strong and varying opinions about the causes of violence in society. They will share concrete suggestions about how to prevent tragedies in society. Emphasize the role that students have in maintaining safe communities and schools, communicating any personal safety concerns to parents/guardians/trusted adults, school administrators, and police officers, and accessing support for emotional needs.
Additionally, online resources from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the National Association of School Psychologists may be helpful. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988.
Please reach out to me, your school principals, and student service providers if we can help in supporting your children and your families. Additional police officers will be present at our schools on Thursday as well. We are fortunate to be part of the Westbrook community where we pull together and take care of each other, especially in times of crisis and tragedy.
Take care, and stay strong.
Peter Lancia
Superintendent of Schools
Dear friends,
Please know that the Westbrook Schools are aware of the horrific events in Lewiston this evening. I have been in communication with the Westbrook Police all evening and will continue to monitor the situation. The suspect is still at large, armed, and dangerous. I will provide more information in the morning if this tragedy will impact school and how we will be ready to support students and staff in the coming days
Take care, and please join me in keeping the people of Lewiston in your thoughts and prayers.
Peter Lancia, Superintendent of Schools
There will be a Community Conversation at WMS in the cafe on Tuesday, October 24th at 6:00 pm to discuss school safety. We hope you can join us!
The October family engagement event is BOO-gie Down. This is a costume event on the high school track on Saturday, October 28th at 5:30. Students/families will walk laps around the track while picking up goodies from local businesses and staff. This event is sponsored by the Canal Parent/Teacher Group. Come and enjoy the fun!
Playground Social - coming on September 29th from 5-6:30 at Canal School!
Please be sure to check your child's bus route. All routes can be found at
Reminder: Please vote in today's School Budget Referendum! Polls at the Community Center are open until 8pm. Thank you!
Reminder - Wednesday, June 14th is a regular early release day at 2:15. Friday, June 16th is the last day of school and students will be released beginning at 11:20.
Tuesday, June 13 is the annual School Budget Referendum. Polls are open at the Community Center on Bridge Street 6am-8pm. Information about the FY2024 School Budget can be found on the School Department website PLEASE VOTE!
Glow Dance for 3rd and 4th grade only on Friday!
Family Traditions Tasting going on now until 5. Come and taste!
Getting ready for our Family Traditions Tasting event! Come and taste from 4-5 in the cafe!!!!
Come and get free books all summer long from the Book Mobile on Mondays from June 26th through August 14th. Check out the flyer for times and locations of the stops. Happy Reading!!!