Student Waivers
Any child attending school on a waiver will not be provided transportation by the Westbrook School Department.
Generally, students are required to attend school in the district where they reside. If you are interested in applying for a waiver to have you child attend an elementary school outside of your district, you will need to download this FORM and submit it to the Superintendent's Office for review. Due to class size constraints and the fluctuation of enrollments over the summer months, decisions on indistrict waivers will not be made until August 15th.
Waivers are only valid for the school year requested and must be requested each year you wish your child to continue in a school that is not in their attendance area. Approval of a waiver in one year does not guarantee approval in subsequent years.
Not sure what elementary school your child should attend?
Waivering a Student into Westbrook schools
Any child attending school on a waiver will not be provided transportation by the Westbrook School Department.
Generally, students attend school in the town / city where their parents reside or where the student resides upon reaching 18 or has become an emancipated minor.
If you are interested in applying for a waiver to have your child attend school in Westbrook and your residence is in another city / town, you will need to download this FORM and submit it to the Westbrook Superintendent's Office for review.
You will also need to contact the Superintendent's office where you reside and request that your child be released to the Westbrook School Department. You will need the approval* of both Superintendent's for a waiver approval.
Waivers are only valid for the school year requested and must be requested each year you wish your child to continue in Westbrook
Any child attending school on a waiver will not be provided transportation by the Westbrook School Department.
Waivering a Westbrook Student to Another School District
Generally, students attend school in the town / city where their parents reside or where the student resides upon reaching 18 or has become an emancipated minor.
If you are interested in applying for a waiver to have your child attend school in another city / town and you reside in Westbrook, you will need to download this FORM and submit it to the Westbrook Superintendent's Office for review.
You will also need to contact the Superintendent's office where you would like your child / children to attend to request a waiver into their district. You will need the approval* of both Superintendent's for a waiver approval.
Waivers are only valid for the school year requested and must be requested each year you wish your child to continue in Westbrook schools on a waiver. Approval of a waiver does not guarantee approval in subsequent years.
*As a parent (or the student if age 18 or an emancipated minor) you have the right to petition the Commissioner of the Department of Education to review a denied waiver request. How to petition the Commissioner of Education to request a review of a denied waiver.
This does not apply to In-district waivers where the Superintendent of Schools retains the sole discretion on approval or denial.