Kindergarten Registration 2024
Canal School
102 Glenwood Avenue, 854-0840
Vickie Hebert, Principal
Pam Bernardo, Administrative Assistant
Cristal Agreste, Nurse
Angela Record, Social Worker
Kasey DeBery, School Counselor
Congin School
410 Bridge, St, 854,0844
Marc Bisson, Principal
Beth Fulton, Administrative Assistant
Melody Heath, Nurse
Mary Richardson, Social Worker
Christine Woolworth, School Counselor
Saccarappa School
110 Huntress Avenue, 854-0847
Alexis Jones, Principal, Bonnie Hicks, Assistant Principal
Dani Fortin, Administrative Assistant
Delaney Fessler, Administrative Assistant
Maria Reinhard, Nurse
Jeremy Lynch, Social Worker
Jacqueline Dimick, Social Worker
Sherry Millbury, School Counselor
PARENT ORIENTATION will be held at your neighborhood school!

It's that time of year!
Westbrook's elementary schools will begin REGISTRATION for next year's kindergarteners-the class of 2037, on March 5, 2024.
This year each elementary school will hold Orientation in person at each elementary school, NOT online.
If your child is five years of age on or before October 15, please plan to attend the PARENT ORIENTATION MEETING on March 5, 2024 at your neighborhood school.
During this informational meeting we will discuss all things kindergarten and explain how to register your child for school. The orientation meeting is informational and not registration. You will also be able to sign-up for your child's screening day and time at this orientation meeting.
Next Steps:
Submit an online registration packet. Information on how to complete the online registration will be shared at parent orientation. The registration packet will be available on the school department’s website, www.westbrookschools.org after March 5, 2024.
Schedule an appointment for Kindergarten Screening on or after March 5th at the orientation meeting or by contacting the administrative assistant at your child’s future school beginning March 6, 2024.
You must click on the button below to register your child!
Screening Dates:
March 28 & 29, 2024