Thank you for your interest in attending Westbrook Regional Vocational Center.

To learn more about the specific programs we offer- including course prerequisites, dual enrollments, certifications, and more- please refer to our current Program of Studies.

WRVC Class Schedule
Everyday, Monday – Friday
Tech I:   8:00 AM – 10:10 AM*
Tech II: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM**

Most first-year students will be scheduled for class during Tech I, with the exception of students taking EMT, which occurs during the Tech II time slot.

2024 - 2025 Academic Calendar

2025-2026 Academic Calendar (approved Feb. 12, 2025)

WRVC Student Handbook
The answers to most questions about attending school here at WRVC can be found within our Student Handbook.

WRVC Integrated Credit Agreement
Students can earn a variety of core credits in our programs! Click the link above to view our 25/26 Integrated Credit Booklet.

Please contact us to learn more and/or if you have questions!


* first-year/Tech I students are not permitted to drive to WRVC
but exceptions can be made for students from our secondary sending schools who do not provide transportation

**returning/Tech II students may drive
if given permission from their sending school principal at the beginning of the year. Parking on the WRVC campus is very limited and is not guaranteed. 

Apply Here

We are happy to hear you’re interested in pursuing a Career and Technical Education with us.


Add/Drop period ends the first Monday after Labor Day. As such, we do not typically accept new students after the end of the prior school year– with the exception of students transferring to us from another CTE school.

If you are a current CTE student wishing to transfer to WRVC from another CTE school, please give us a call at (207) 854-0820 to start that process.

Next steps for new CTE applicants:

  • Visit WRVC. Talk to your school counselor for visit date options. A WRVC visit is required for admission

  • Please read our student handbook

  • Complete our online application below

  • You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been successfully submitted. Confirmations are sent to the email address you provided on your application. Check your spam folder! If you do not receive a confirmation email, it means that your application was not successfully submitted OR you may have mistyped your email address. If you do not get a confirmation email, you can email us at to ask if we have received your application.

  • You should be notified of your admission status by late April

  • Contact us or your school guidance counselor FMI