Welcome to Westbrook Adult Education!
Welcome to Westbrook Adult Education! Our main office is located at Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) at DOOR #16 behind WRVC to.
If you would like to make an adult education intake appointment, or have questions about our programs, please call us at 207-854-0826
We offer classes that focus on the following:
• English Language Acquisition and Adult Basic Education
• High School Completion (HiSET)
• College Transition Services
• Career Advising
• Job Search Support
• Job Training
• Enrichment (Varying from Music to Retirement Workshops)
Adult education in Maine is a statewide system of more than 100 connected learning programs and centers from Kittery to Fort Kent and everywhere in between.
Adult education programs offer courses in 5 major categories:
Business & Skills Training courses help prepare Maine citizens by providing the modern skills training necessary for new careers, promotions, and other career advancement.
College Transitions courses assist people of all ages wishing to make the transition into college-level courses.
GED & High School Completion courses help people complete their high school education.
Literacy courses give people the guidance, support, and training necessary to improve their literacy skills and the literacy skills of their family.
Personal Enrichment courses include lessons in skills such as cooking and musical instruments, and also include a variety of unique and fun experiences including travel.
In any economy, Adult Education courses are great choices because they are local, affordable, and are designed to fit within your schedule.

Jen Mull-Brooks, DIRECTOR
Shila Cook, ABLE/ML Coordinator
Lori Fredrick, CTE Coordinator
Get in touch with us!
Office hours:
Monday through Thursday
8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Westbrook Regional Vocational Center
125 Stroudwater Street
Westbrook, ME 04092
Drive around to the back of WRVC. Back parking lot, Door #16
HiSET Testing

The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) is a way for people who didn't finish high school to earn a diploma and get on track for college or a career. The exam has five parts: Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and Writing.
Call us today to learn how to get started! 207-854-0826